
The 31st First Peoples' Festival will be held from August 3 to 11

Montreal, July 14, 2021 – The International First Peoples' Festival 2021 unveiled today the main elements of its program and proposes an exploration of risky areas, where the buried traces of an immemorial past are not yet erased and where the artists boldly highlight, in the fog of the present, the paths of a luminous future. Healer and warrior, memory of the past and harbinger of new times, Native art stands proudly in the city.

Song, poetry, theater and celebration

For the National Indigenous History Month Land InSights presents song, poetry, theater and celebration Montreal, June 10th, 2021. In this month of June that celebrates Indigenous History, Land InSights is...

The prize-winning films of the 2020 First Peoples' Festival accessible online

Montreal, March 28 th , 2021. The International First Peoples Festival will be going nomad on the platform of the Festival du nouveau cinema with the online projection of the prize-winning films from the 2020 competition as of March 27 th ...

The award-winning films of the First Peoples' Festival online on the FNC platform

Montreal, March 28 th , 2021. The International First Peoples' Festival and the Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC) are excited about this collaboration which will make it possible for a wide audience to have access for free to...

Call for film submissions

(español más abajo)


Call for film submissions Deadline: April 9, 2021 April 30, 2021

The International First Peoples Festival is calling on you to submit your audio-visual works...

Awards of the Montreal International First Peoples Festival

Today Land InSights unveiled the winners of the film awards of the Montreal International First Peoples Festival at an online event.

Teueikan Award

Grand Prize : Fukry by Blackhorse Lowe

2nd Prize : Retablo by Álvaro Delgado-Aparicio L...

Montreal International First Peoples Festival Unveils its Film Awards

T. Lands InSights announces that the recipients of the Montreal International First Peoples Festival Film Awards will be announced online on Tuesday, December 15th at noon on or on the Facebook page of Land InSights ....

Land InSights pays tribute to chef Max Gros-Louis

Land InSights bids farewell to Max Gros-Louis, a visionary leader who paved the way for the survival and revival of Indigenous arts. The many eulogies that rightly salute the immense political accomplishments of Chief Gros-Louis should not make us forget the role of...

Land in Sights welcomes official announcement of the reconciliation policy of the City of Montreal

The organization behind the International Montreal First Peoples Festival acknowledges that the arts, culture, toponymy and heritage are fully recognized as essential vectors of development in the fields of intercultural dialogue and recognition of the First Nations....

30th Montreal international First Peoples Festival Launches online three concerts

The Montreal International First Peoples Festival, continuing its evolving program, under the generic theme of Nomade Land, is launching online a series of three new concerts recorded at the Cabaret le Lion d'Or in mid-September. They will be premiered on October 29, 30...

Women, Earth and Fire: a free-wheeling program in a post-lockdown world

The International First Peoples' Festival announces that an evolving program, with the general theme of Nomade Land, is about to commence. Innovative and out of isolation, it will extend from August to November, and will be constantly evolving, as activities are...

Statement of Support for the Aboriginal Cultural Embassy DestiNations

For the National Aboriginal Peoples Day, ASFQ would like to reiterate its support for the future cultural embassy DestiNATIONS and invites you to sign the Special Declaration launched in favour of this unique Aboriginal architectural project, whose construction is...
