
The award-winning films of the First Peoples' Festival online on the FNC platform



Montreal, March 28th, 2021. The International First Peoples' Festival and the Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC) are excited about this collaboration which will make it possible for a wide audience to have access for free to the best of recent productions of Indigenous filmmaking from here and elsewhere.


These twelve works, which will be presented online from March 27th to April 11th, were awarded prizes by an international jury make up of Deborah Walker-Morrison, Māori from Aotearoa (New Zealand), Amalia Cordova, a specialist in Indigenous cinema from the Americas (United States), Maya Pérez Menchú from the Rigoberta Menchu Foundation (Guatemala), Roxann Whitebean, Mohawk filmmaker (Kahnawake), Lesvia Vela, representative of Rigoberta Menchu Foundation in Canada, Craig Commanda, Anishnaabe artist (Canada), Sophie-Claude Miller, Cree communicator (Canada) and Luc Chaput, film critic (Canada).


"We are grateful to the FNC for generously permitting us to occupy their distribution platform," says André Dudemaine, director of the First Peoples' Festival. "Thanks to this generosity, we can finally show the winning films of the 2020 competition, remarkable works, most of which we have not been able to show so far."


"The FNC has always been a rallying point for innovative filmmaking. It was therefore natural for us to accommodate the films offered by the First Peoples' Festival," remarked Nicolas Girard Deltruc, executive director of the  Festival du nouveau cinéma, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary this autumn.


Please note that Nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up by Tasha Hubbard, winner of the APTN award, is available on the National Film Board of Canada website: www.onf.ca


For further information on the programming of the First Peoples' Festival: presenceautochtone.ca


Winning films accessible at the following address: online.nouveaucinema.ca




Source: IXION Communications