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  • Programmation

Short Films (Screening 1, Free)

Saturday, August 10 - 2 pm
Grande Bibliothèque (Salle de visionnement 4e étage)

Shorts nominated for an APTN Award
Free screening

All films are in French or have French subtitles

Screening of five shorts:

  • Madah8do Al8miwi Nia (Le monstre en moi), Kim Arsenault, animation, 4 min 36The everyday struggle of the Abenaki filmmaker with a monster called Anxiety.
  • Katshinau (Les mains sales), Canada, Julien G. Marcotte, Jani Bellefleur-Kaltush, fiction, 16 min 49In New France before the British Conquest, Marie, an indigenous slave, serves the local surgeon. Her daily life of household chores is bleak and alienating. The encounter with a young girl she presumes to be her child will give her motivation to undertake radical actions.
  • Tiny, Ritchie Hemphill, Ryan Haché, animation, 16 min 21Contemplative stop motion film which tells the story of ‘Nakwaxda’xw Elder Colleen Hemphill’s childhood. The film portrays modern day Colleen as she reflects on her past, and re-enacts the stories she tells of her youth, as a young girl growing up on a float-house in the wild and unpredictable Pacific Northwest and its waters.
  • Nipi utaiamun (Parole de l’eau), Uapukun Mestokosho McKenzie, essai documentaire, French and Innu-Aimun with French subtitles, 5 minPoetic essay on the healing power of our intergenerational relationship to water.
  • Holiday Native Land, Nicolas Renaud, Brian Virostek, 36 min 30Remix of promo films from the 1920s to the 1920s trying to sell Canada’s natural sites as holiday destinations.
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