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Place des festivals

Sunday, August 11

12 pm to 8 pm

Place des Festivals

1499, Rue Jeanne-Mance, Montréal, Québec.

Printemps numérique

Printemps numérique will be taking part in the International First Peoples’ Festival, August 9-11 at the Place des Festivals in Montreal. Young and old alike will be able to use artificial intelligence to generate landscapes from simple sketches, in real time. The activity will show that anyone can use a digital tool to represent ancestral or imaginary landscapes.

Organized by Terres en vue, the festival links the artistic and cultural renaissance of First Peoples with the cultural dynamism of Montreal. Based on friendship between peoples, it promotes the diversity of sources of expression as a collective wealth, and the recognition of the specificity of the First Nations.

The Digital Cafés, presented in the form of kiosks or a series of engaging and educational activities in high schools, youth organizations and third-party venues, are part of Jeunesse QC 2030. This project aims to promote access to new technologies and raise awareness of citizenship issues in the digital age.

It’s possible to reserve a Café numérique.


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