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Place des festivals

Wednesday, August 7

1:00pm to 7:00pm

Place des Festivals

1499, Rue Jeanne-Mance, Montréal, Québec.

Martin Loft : Photography

Martin Akwiranoron Loft was born and raised in Kahnawake, Mohawk Territory, and has been a professional artist for over thirty years. He is a photographer, printmaker, and craftsperson and was a founding member of the Native Indian Inuit Photographers’ Association (NIIPA, 1985-2000). NIIPA is an influential indigenous artists’ organization that presented Visions, the first international Indigenous photography conference and touring exhibition.  Martin has exhibited his photography, traditional crafts, and prints nationally and internationally at the venues: The National Museum of the American Indian, The  Museum of Civilization in Quebec, The Royal Ontario Museum, The Iroquois Indian Museum, The Mashantucket Pequot Museum, The McCord Museum, and The Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic, which recently hosted the “On the Paths of the Iroquois,” exhibition.


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