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Mis en ligne 24-08-15

34th International First Peoples Festival Awards

34th International First Peoples Festival Awards

Teueikan Creative Award
First and second Prize
Prizes awarded according to artistic merit to films that have shown originality in the subject matter and the
mise-en-scène, relevance in their cinematographic approaches and which correspond, in substance and
form, to the soul of the first peoples.

First Prize
The New Boy – Warwick Thornton – Australia

Second Prize
Frybread Face & Me – Billy Luther – USA

Honorable Mention
Eallogierdu – The Tundra Within Me – Sara Margrethe Oskal – Norway

Rigoberta-Menchu Community Award
First and second Prize
Prizes awarded by the Rigoberta Menchú Tum Foundation to productions by an indigenous people or
community on the theme of “identity, discrimination and intercultural dialogue”, or which respond to a need
for community development in terms of speaking out, recording collective memory, preserving cultural
heritage, moving towards healing, fighting for rights, popular education or economic leverage. The Rigoberta
Menchú Tum Foundation asks the winners to donate a good video copy of their prize-winning work for nonprofit use by the Foundation, for dissemination and awareness-raising purposes.

First Prize
Boil Alert – James Burns, Stevie Salas – Canada / USA

Second Prize
This is our Everything – Frederik Subei – Germany

APTN Award
APTN AWARD is dedicated to an aboriginal filmmaker who has distinguished himself/herself during the
year. Outstanding Achievement of the Year in Aboriginal Cinema.

Rougemania – Neil Diamond, Catherine Bainbridge – Canada

Honorable Mention
Gespe’gewa’gi: The Last Land, Season 2 Episode 3 – BEVERLEY: The Captain of a Fishing Boat
Ernest Webb, Greg Lawrence, Courtney Montour

Les Films du 3 Mars’ Best Documentary Award
For the documentary film that succeed, in form and content, in illustrating a factual or intangible
Aboriginal reality, by authentically rendering the lives and stories of the protagonists.

Ex æquo
This is Our Everything – Frederik Subei – Germany
Without Arrows – Jonathan Olshefski, Elizabeth Day – USA

Les Films du 3 Mars Grant for A Canadian Documentary
A $750 bursary awarded to a documentary filmmaker in Canada, with an offer to present his/her film on
the FM3.CA VOD platform, to encourage him/her in the production of meaningful works about Aboriginal
peoples and cultures.

Amazonia : an Encounter with the Guardians of the Rain forest – Santiago Bertolino – Canada

Air Canada – Matera Award
For Aboriginal filmmakers based in Canada who have made a film with international distribution potential.
Films entered for the APTN award are also eligible for this prize. The winning films will be screened at the
Matera International Film Festival in Italy (Nov 2024); the award includes travel both ways Montréal-Matera
for the winning filmmakers.

Café Daughter – Shelley Niro – Canada 2023

Main Film Award for emerging Indigenous Artists
Awarded to an emerging indigenous filmmaker, from Canada or elsewhere, for a film revealing promising
talent. With a $1,000 bursary.

Entropy – Inuk Jørgensen – Groenland

Honorable Mention
Headdress – Tai Leclaire – USA

Best Canadian Short Film – Espaces Autochtones / SRC Award
Awarded to a Canadian short film for the quality of its cinematic expression as a whole (narrative
structure, photo direction, set design, editing, sound concept, direction of actors, script, animation
techniques, etc.). With a $2,500 bursary for the winner.

future ready: cusp – KJ Edwards – Canada

Best International Short Film
Awarded to a short film for the quality of its cinematic expression (narrative structure, cinematography, set
design, editing, sound design, direction of actors, screenplay, animation techniques, etc.).

Ex aequo
To Be Silent – Tace Stevens – Australia
Gath & K’iyh: Listen to Heal – Princess Daazhraii Johnson – US

Certain films will be available free of charge on from September 30.

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