Nikamotan Mtl, a show inspired by encounters between singer-composer-songwriters among the new Indigenous wave and well-known performers on the Quebec musical scene. An initiative by Musique nomade, in partnership with First Peoples’ Festival.
Natasha Kanapé Fontaine is a slam poet, visual artist and ecology activist. An Innu from the North Coast community Pessamit, she has spent most of her life in urban areas, like many other young Indigenous people. She was first came to light in Rimouski, where she was studying visual arts, then in Montréal during the Spring 2012 activist events. Natasha Kanapé Fontaine became known throughout Québec for her slam performances, with her territorial slammer handle.!/natasha-kanape-fontaine/biographie
Random Recipe is made up of Frannie Holder, Fab, Vincent Legault and Liu-Kong Ha. The group has performed throughout Québec, in Canada, France, Belgium, Iceland and the US. In addition to its frequent participation in the Montreal International Jazz Festival and the Festival d'été de Québec, Random Recipe has earned many awards for its performances (Miroir de l'artiste d'ici 2011 Award, Étoiles Galaxie Rideau 2011 Award, etc.).
Matitu comes from Quebec's North Shore. He's a straightforward guy, no sequins and glitz for him. Something like Neil Young, a dash of ZZ Top, witih lyrics in French and Innu that come from everyday life with poetry full of simple, serene humanity, and behind it all, a young Innu man's questions about the meaning of life, between city and reserve.!/matthew-vachon/biographie
Dramatik, whose actual name is Bruno Jocelyn, is a Canadian rapper of Haitian origin. He is the second-generation son of Haitian immigrants who left their native land to settle in Montréal. His family life was far from easy: money problems, conjugal violence, a stepfather coming along and young Bruno being sent from one youth centre to another. Dramatic is a perfect example of a resilient young artist who found a way out through music.
Ester Pennell is a composer-songwriter who comes from the Qalipu Mi'kmaq community. Her compositions pay homage to the ties that bind her to her grandparents and her Amerindian roots. She uses her own life experience as a catalyst when writing songs that speak of women's resistance and the importance of re-embracing nature. He music is moving, honest and authentic. She is also very funny. You can't keep from moving to the soft sounds of her stories and banjo, as this artist has a very charismatic stage presence.!/esther-pennell/biographie
La Bronze, Nadia Essadiqi, is a Québec musician and actor of Moroccan origin. As an actor, she has appeared in TV series such as Trauma, Unité 9, etc., and as a musician, she launched her first album, La Bronze, in September 2014. In 2015, she was chosen as “emerging artist of the year”for the Canada Music Week Awards
Laura Niquay is a young Atikemekw woman whose unique voice is very evocative of her origins rooted in Native soil. Her pop-rock resonates to the sound of a guitar reminiscent of folk that is never far away, carrying a positive message of perseverence, prevention and abnegation that Laura delivers to young people, on difficult topics such as suicide, drugs or living conditions on reserves. But beyond her lyrics in Atikamekw and French, she offers modern, optimistic music for her people and for humanity. She is a committed woman who uses music to highlight her community's good values and the hopes that must be kept alive.!/laura-niquay/biographie
Sunny Duval, whose actual name is François Duval, is a musician, director, columnist, DJ, and guitarist with the Breastfeeders and as a solo artist. In 2005, he launched his first album Achigan, featuring the rock'n'roll influences of the Breastfeeders, but much more hardcore. In 2010, he returned with a second solo album Sein noir, sein blanc, which revisits his rock'n'roll, doo wop and country roots. In 2013 his third album Amour d'amour was released. With the Breastfeeders, he played on three studio albums, Déjeuner sur l’herbe (2004), Les Matins de grands soirs (2006) and Dans la gueule des jours (2011).