For the Indigenous peoples of Sarawak, in Malaysia, Mutang (now a Montrealer) was a voice of resistance against deforestation. Returning home for the first time since his exile in 1992, Mutang can’t resist taking up his old cause, despite the risk of being arrested.
ProductionProducer(s) : Katarina Soukup, Ashley Duong
Production house or group : Catbird Films
DistributionCompany or organization : Catbird Productions
English, French, Kelabit OV
/ French ST
Documentary / 82 minutes
Ashley Duong
Cast : Mutang Urud
Natasha Blanchet-Cohen
Noeli Urud
Agan Urud
Scriptwriter : Ashley Duong, Richard Spiegel
Image : Vincent Gonneville
Sound recording : Cyril Bourseaux, Richard Spiegel, Tobias Haynes
Editing : Hannele Halm
Original Music : Olivier Alary