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International associates

Musée du Louvre


Conference on the Great Peace of 1701
November 28, 2001


Within the conference program held by the Auditorium du Louvre, the series "Musées-musée" has extended an invitation to Mrs. Francine Lelièvre, Vice President of the Corporation des fêtes de la Grande Paix de Montréal, for a conference on the Great Peace of Montréal.



Commission franco-québécoise sur les lieux de mémoire communs


Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société de Pothiers
From September 26 to 30, 2001


Academics from France and Québec will be meeting to debate the migration of both individuals and ideas from France to New France. Among the subjects that will be broached is the issue of the workings of French diplomacy in Indian country by Gilles Havard author of the work La Grande Paix de Montréal. Les voies de la diplomatie franco-amérindienne.
Information: (514) 343-7642



Le Musée de l'Homme in Paris


1701 La Grande Paix de Montréal
Fall 2001


Discussions are ongoing for the presentation of the exhibition produced by the Corporation des fêtes de la Grande Paix and presented at Pointe-à-Callière.



Illinois State Museum


Discussions are ongoing for a possible presentation in 2002 of the exhibition 1701 The Great Peace of Montréal.


Museums, archives and libraries associated with the exhibition 1701 The Great Peace of Montréal



Twenty-five museums and institutions have loaned objects for the realization of this exhibition which will display, for the very first time in North America, the treaty signed in 1701.

From France:
La Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris)
La Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève (Paris)
Le Centre des archives d'Outre-Mer (Aix-en-Provence)
Le Musée de l'Armée - Hôtel des Invalides (Paris)
Le Musée de l'Homme (Paris)
Le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chartres

From the United States:
Illinois State Museum (Springfield, Illinois)
John Carter Brown Library (Providence, Rhode Island)
Neville Public Museum (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
Museum of the Fur Trade (Chardron, Nebraska)
Rochester Museum and Science Center (New York)

From Québec and Canada:
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec
Archives nationales du Québec (Montréal), host for the artifacts in transit
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec (Montréal)
Centre d'archives du Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice (Montréal)
Centre de conservation du Québec (Québec), for the restauration of artifacts
Musée de la civilisation (Québec)
Musée des Ursulines (Québec)
Chateau Ramezay Museum (Montréal)
Musée régional Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Stewart Museum - Fort at Île Sainte-Hélène (Montréal)
Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History
Canadian Museum of Civilization (Hull)
Québec City
Parks Canada (Ottawa and Québec)
Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto)


The communities and native organizations associated with The Great Peace

The native friendship centers

The Native Friendship Center of Val-d'Or


Mural of the Great Peace of Montréal
All summer long


The Native Friendship Center of Val-d'Or will be presenting a collective work made by young Natives. Native interpreters will give information on the theme of the mural evoking the Great Peace of Montréal. Moreover, they will address visitors on the recent history of the Algonkin and Cree Peoples in the Val d'Or region. This invitation is not one to be turned down!
Information: (819) 825-6857



Native Friendship Center of Montréal


Tribute to young Natives
August 3, 2001


Within the framework of the On the Peace Path activity, the Native Friendship Center of Montréal is organizing a community supper and an evening for the young Natives who will be participating in the arrival by canoe on August 4, 2001.
Information: (514) 499-1854



Le Centre d'Entraide et d'Amitié de Senneterre


The arrival by canoe and the Great Gathering
August 3, 4 and 5, 2001


A delegation of various First Nations comprising all age groups will be participating in the activities of the Great Peace of Montréal which include the expedition by canoe and the traditional encampment.
Information: (819) 737-2324


Of museums and exhibitions

Le Groupe Cleary


The First Nations Travelling Exhibition
From March 15 to August 5, 2001, throughout Québec


Come and discover the universe of the First Nations with this travelling exhibition which will be presented in the major shopping centers of 14 Québec cities. The exhibition is launched in Québec City on March 15 and will wind up in Bonsecours Market in Montréal from August 2 to 5, 2001, for the commemoration of the Great Peace of Montréal. In each city visited, the exhibition will pay special attention to the First Nations residing nearest that city and will greet craftsmen and artists who will be sharing their know-how with visitors. This unique event will present a realistic and current portrait of the First Peoples of Québec while focusing its content on these nations' past, present and future.
Information: (418) 842-3282



Maison des cultures amérindiennes du Mont Saint-Hilaire


From May 27 to October 8, 2001


Under the honorary chairmanship of artist Jean-Paul Riopelle, within the program of activities commemorating the Great Peace of Montréal, the Maison des cultures amérindiennes du Mont Saint-Hilaire presents the exhibition Ni-ensemble. Recognized as a center that promotes cultural exchanges, sharing and the building of bridges between various communities through environmental and cultural activities, the Maison des cultures amérindiennes displays the works of ten artists, such as Dolores Contré Migwans, Nick Huard, Diane Robertson, Jacques Newashish and Ginette Aubin, from as many Québec Amerindian Nations. Artist Jean-Paul Riopelle will actively participate in the exhibition by displaying works inspired by Amerindian nature. Ethnographer painter André Michel will also be exhibiting on this occasion.
Information: (450) 464-2500



Museum - Kahnawake's Old Indian Village


From July 1 to Labor Day


This Mohawk village was founded by Chief Poking Fire in order to promote Mohawk culture and traditions through chants and dances interpreted by the troup Keepers of the Eastern Door. An invitation to come and share the food and traditional know-how in an environment which is a throw-back to the Mohawk community of yesteryear.
Information: (450) 638-9289



Kanien'kehaka Onkwawén:na Raotitiohkwa Cultural Center


The Kanien'kehaka Onkwawén:na Raotitiohkwa Cultural Center was established in 1978 to preserve, promote and enrich the language and culture of the Mohawks of Kahnawake. The Center also promotes awareness of Mohawk history to the non-native communities and institutions surrounding Kahnawake. The Center serves as a cultural resource center with a specialized library/documentation center, a language center, an exhibit area, and a photographic archive. The Center can accommodate a maximum of 20 visitors at a time. Larger groups can be received with advance notice. Weekends by appointment only.
Information: (450) 638-0880



Maison Arouänne: Centre d'interprétation touristique et culturel


During the summer


The Maison Arouänne invites the population to discover the history and culture of the Huron-Wendat. Located in Wendake, near Québec City, this institution offers workshops and guided tours, and serves as an information center on the community's culture and history.
Information: (418) 843-3767



Montagnais Educational and Cultural Institute (MECI)


August 3, 4 and 5, 2001


The Montagnais Educational and Cultural Institute (MECI) was founded in 1978. The institute provides services to eight Innu communities of the Côte-Nord and Basse Côte-Nord, reaching some 10,000 people. Since its inception, the MECI has encouraged artists in all their practices. Also, it offers technical support and funding for cultural, educational and linguistic projects. The MECI's objectives consist in conserving, developing and promoting the Innu language and nation. Towards this end, the MECI is partnering with the Great Peace of Montréal to participate, among other activities, in the Great Gathering in Old Montréal.
Information: (418) 968-4424


Aboriginal schools participating in the Peace Ambassadors educational program





Amo Ososwan School (Winneway)
Migwan School (Pikogan)
Kitigan Zibi School (Maniwaki)
Amikobi School (Lac Simon)
Kiwetin School (Notre-Dame-du-Nord)





Seskitin School (Wemotaci)
Wapoc School (Manawan) to be confirmed
Niska School (Opitciwan)





Wabannuatao Eeyou School (Eastmain)
Badabin Eeyou School (Whamagoostui)
Willie J. Happyjack Memorial (Waswanipi)





Nussim School (Betsiamites)
Johnny Pilot mak Manikanetish School (Sept-Îles)
Teueikan School (Mingan)
Uauitshitun School (Natashquan)
Pakuashipu School (Pakuashipi)
Olamen School (La Romaine)
Kanatamat School (Shefferville)





Alaqsite'w Gitpu School (Listuguj)


Activites within the Nations

A symbolic gesture on August 4, 2001



Many Native communities have indicated their intent to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty on August 4, 1701, through a symbolic gesture in their milieu. The nature of this gesture will be determined in the coming weeks.


Kitigan Zibi (Maniwaki)



The Circle of all Nations - A culture for Peace
August 3, 4 and 5, 2001


An elder of the Algonkin nation, William Commanda, a spiritual leader reputed throughout North America, extends an invitation to one and all to participate in the Circle of all Nations. This is a spriritual gathering aiming to foster better and more harmonious relations between all people. During these three days, various activities will be held with the view of disseminating the wisdom, knowledge and spirituality of the Anishnabe.
Information :


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