To commemorate the 300th anniversary of the signing of the
Great Peace of Montréal, Land InSights, Corporation
for the promotion of native culture, and Pointe-à-Callière,
Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History, two organizations
reputed for their involvement in the cultural and patrimonial
domain, have partnered to form a not-for-profit organization:
the Corporation des fêtes de la Grande Paix de Montréal
An organization founded in 1990, its
mandate consists in building bridges between the First Nations
and other cultural communities. The inceptor and organizer
of the Montréal "First Peoples' Festival",
whose success is ever-growing, Land InSights has endeavoured
to create a synergy between different interveners to further
underscore the Amerindian and Inuit presence in Montréal,
from both a tourist standpoint and one of cultural and community
Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Museum
of Archaeology and History, has a three-fold mission: to
make known the city of Montréal as it was and as
it is, to exhibit its archaeological and historical heritage,
and to interact with local communities, and regional, national
and international networks devoted to archaeology and urban