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Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History


Port Symphonies
Sunday, February 25, and Sunday, March 4, 2001, at 2 p.m.



The year 2001 edition of the Port Symphonies was held under the theme of the Great Peace. Sunday, February 25, artist Michel Tétreault presented ... en paix sous l'Arbre de paix and Sunday, March 4, Danielle Palardy Roger presented La Grande Entente ou Entendre comme dans s'entendre.



The Nighttime walk 2001
May 18, 2001



As part of the Great Peace of Montréal activities, Pointe-à-Callière's 2001 edition of its Nighttime walk will be conducted under the following theme: Life under the French Régime from 1701 to 1750. The signing of the treaty afforded Montréal an opportunity for growth. Those participating in this Nighttime walk in the streets of Old Montréal will see some fifteen mimed historical tableaux, sketches and performers on street corners, recreating the excitement of the Montréal of yesteryear.



An educational Web site: French explorations in America in the 18th century
De Lamothe Cadillac's itinerary and the foundation of Detroit



This brand-new educational Web site for the 10 to 12-year old crowd was produced by Pointe-à-Callière to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the City of Detroit. The site will enable young visitors to follow in pictures the footsteps of de Lamothe Cadillac in France, in Québec and at Detroit, whether in the shape of monuments, museums or events and commemorative celebrations to visit in the summer of 2001. The site is accessible at the following address: and it will have a hyperlink with the Carrefour éducation de Télé-Québec.



A new publication: de Callière


Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History, is preparing a new publication on the famous Louis-Hector de Callière. He was undoubtedly one of the central characters in the Great Peace of 1701 and in Montréal's history in the 17th and 18th century. Date of publication: July 2001.



Archaeology-Sunday at Pointe-à-Callière
An archaeology-Sunday on the trail of New-France



Pointe-à-Callière has associated itself with Archéo-Dimanche, the summer event realized by Réseau Archéo-Québec. To contribute to the commemorative events of the Great Peace, Pointe-à-Callière will offer a leaflet - Tour of museums, whose theme will concern the archaeological and historical traces of New France still visible in Montréal museums. Archaeologists will be present at Pointe-à-Callière on August 12 and 19 to greet the public and respond to their questions.
Visit the site :
Information: (514) 872-9150


"Youth" Activities

Land InSights
Corporation for the promotion of native culture


On the peace path: a contest for young people


The gathering of 1701 was conducted according to the rules and political culture of the Amerindians. The Amerindian traditional protocol relied on a series of rituals based on the eloquence of the best orators. In this spirit, Land InSights, Corporation for the promotion of native culture, is holding a contest on the writing of peace speeches. This activity, realized in collaboration with the ministère des Relations avec les citoyens et de l'Immigration, addresses itself to all Québec students less than 18 years of age, especially those in secondary 4 and 5. This is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to express their support for the values of fraternity that inspire the words and gestures of those who militate in favour of peace.
Registration on the following site:
Information: (514) 278-4040



Supporting Montréal schools program


In association with the Corporation des fêtes de la Grande Paix de Montréal, the Supporting Montréal schools program proposes the project "Arrimage 2001", a unique activity, which enables elementary students to see their works displayed in two important Montréal museums. The two partner museums are the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal and the McCord Museum of Canadian History.
Information: (514) 596-7990



At the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
From May 12 to June 3, 2001



Paying tribute to the Great Peace of Montréal, the exhibition Arrimage 2001 broaches the concept of peace in all its ramifications: the individual in society, the respect of one's differences, tolerance, understanding and awareness of other cultures. The manifestations of this notion are also expressed in various artistic forms all inspired by Native culture and thought.



The McCord Museum of Canadian History
From May 4 to September 8, 2001


In a groundbreaking educational outreach program entitled In the Shade of the Tree of Peace, the McCord Museum will offer workshops on Native culture to 22 classes of primary students from around the island of Montreal. These workshops will focus on the traditional cosmology associated with the Tree of Peace - the four directions, the four colours, the four worlds of creation, and personal dodem animals. The sculptures created by the students in response to this introduction to Native culture will be assembled to form a monumental installation entitled The Tree of Peace, presented as part of the exhibition Living Words: Aboriginal Diplomats of the 18th Century.



At the Corona Theatre - the project "Les Arts de la scène"
The legend of Wawacouscous
From May 27 to June 1, 2001


A play written and produced by students of four Montréal schools in partnership with the ministère de l'Éducation and the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec, the City of Montréal, the Corona Theatre, the Louise Lapierre Dance School and the Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay. This musical comedy was elaborated by the young playwrights who inspired themselves from the Great Peace of Montréal of 1701. Elementary students will be seeing this musical comedy at the Corona Theatre from May 27 to June 1, 2001. A special presentation will be offered to the schools twinned within the Peace Ambassadors educational activity.


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