Pulpe Fiction

Sylvain Rivard 


14 July to 3 September

Born in Montreal, Sylvain Rivard aka Vainvard, is a multidiciplinary artist of French Canadian and Abenaki origins. Most of his work depicts a mixed-race ethnographic art.

He is the co-author of two ethnographic books ¨Les Algonquiens¨ (Cornac 20012) and ¨Les Iroquoiens¨ (Cornac 2014), and also the author and illustrator of ¨Moz en cinq temps¨ (Cornac 2011), ¨Skok en sept temps¨ (Cornac 2012) and ¨Pmola en quatre temps¨ (Cornac 2013). ¨The Arrow Sash¨ (Hannenorak 2014) is the first of a series on clothing dedicated primarily to native youth.

In 2012, he was invited and represented Canada as an author/illustrator/storyteller at the White Raven’s Festival of the International Youth Library in Munich

"J’essaie, en utilisant des techniques anciennes, comme la vannerie, de créer un art ethnologique actuel plus près de l’identité autochtone et qui va au-delà du métissage culturel. Une question se pose! Pourquoi laisser les artéfacts aux scientifiques et l’art aux artistes des Premières Nations quand un syncrétisme est possible?"
Sylvain Rivard