Wapikoni - 15th anniversary

closing event
Wednesday, August 14 2019 - 6:30 pm


As a closing event, a selection of recent films made by Aboriginal youth with the support of the now famous Wapikoni.

From artistic expression to the roar of rallies, from commitments to improve community life to the ever-present despair that must be overcome, and the will to defend the territory by regaining a sovereign foothold: these short films are as many testimonies reflecting the life of contemporary Aboriginal youth. Successively touching, upsetting, amusing, inventive, leading-edge, archivists, young filmmakers reveal with authenticity their vision of a world to be redefined.

I Created Memories (Je crée des souvenirs) - Sammy Gadbois – 2m37 - English o.v., French subt.
Our Land (Nos terres) - Norman Matchewan – 3m34 – English o.v.
Les zombies du Wifi - Evan K. Launière – 2m35 – French o.v.
Kinauvunga (Qui suis-je? / Qui je suis.) - Charlie Gordon – 3m24 – English o.v.
A Way of Life (Un mode de vie) - Dorothy Mesher – 5m18 – English, Inuktitut o.v., English subt.
Respect Your Elders, Chum! (Respecte tes aînés, mon Chum!) - Jack Belhumeur – 6m55 – Innu Aimun o.v., French & English subt.
Rat sale - Jim Matlock – 3m03 – no dialogue
You’ve Got To Fight - Elizabeth Lemaigre – 1m20 - English o.v.
Watching the Moon - Rose-Aimee Papatie, Anthony Oginany – 2m25 – English, Atikamewk o.v., French subt.
Notcimik (Dans les bois | In the Woods) - Mélina Quitich-Niquay – 1m00 – English o.v.
Nutshimiu-Aimun (La langue du territoire) - Shanice Mollen-Picard, Noëlla Mestokosho – 5m24 – Innu Aimun o.v., French subt.
Media Resistance: Land and Water (Résistance médiatique : Protéger terres et eaux) - Ashton Janvier – 8m46 – English o.v.
Uenutishiu Katshapistesh (La richesse du chauffe-eau) - Edouard Kaltush – 5m12
More Than A Stereotype (Plus qu'un stéréotype) - Sinay Kennedy – 3m44 – English o.v., French subt.
Timelapse - Ludovic Nolan Courtois – 2m11 – no dialogue


Producer(s) :



French, English, Indigenous languages OV
/ French, English ST
Documentary / 60 minutes
multiple directors

Filmmakers Charlie Gordon and Jack Belhumeur in attendance