Kniga Morya

The Book of the Sea
Tuesday, August 13 2019 - 8:30 pm


On the Arctic Sea in the Behring Straight, pursuing sea mammals, the Chukchi maintain an ancestral way of life. The myths and legends drawn from the depths of time, told by the Elders, inhabit the imaginary of a hyperboreal country and gives meaning and direction to the life of these intrepid hunters. Selected at DOK Leipzig and Thessaloniki film festivals.


Producer(s) :

Aleksei Vakhrushev

Production house or group : High Latitudes ltd


Company or organization :

Films Transit International

In the same screening

Russian, Chukchi, Yupik (Naukan) OV
/ English ST
Animation / 85 minutes
Aleksei Vakhrushev


Scriptwriter : Aleksei Vakhrushev
Image : Vyacheslav Makaryev, Ruslan Fedotov
Sound recording : Aleksei Vakhrushev
Editing : Julia Trofimenko
Original Music : Alexander Tavrizyan