Submit a film

Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Minutes (number only, rounded up)
Multiple categories can be selected
Language of the subtitles (if applicable)
Language of the dubbed version (if applicable)
Film Screening History
Note that the festival seeks Montréal premieres, except for works made by Indigenous artists, which can be considered for the APTN Award and may be submitted even if it has been previously screened in Montréal.
If applicable
If more than one, separate by commas
If more than one, separate by commas Same as director Same as Sales / Distribution Same as entrant
Required field for fiction films
Sales / distribution
Submitted by
Main contact for this submission

Accepted file types : jpg jpeg gif png tif pdf doc docx
You must upload at least one image of your film that will be used if it is selected.
You can also upload other documents, like press releases, posters, etc.

Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg gif png tif pdf doc docx.

By submitting this form, the Submitter states that she or he:

  • is authorized to submit the work
  • accepts the rules and regulation of the festival
  • agrees that all submitted preview DVDs will not be returned

If the submitted work is accepted, I grant the festival to use a short excerpt of the film (no more than three minutes) for the promotion of the 2019 Montreal First Peoples Festival.

Vertical Tabs

Once you click on the submit button, you will receive a confirmation message telling you that your film is registered. If you don’t see that message, please write to