Young mohawks artists (CIEM)
‘La rivière’
‘The river’
‘Kanién : tara’
A land gave me sons
A land gave me daughters
A land gave me seasons
A land told me its legend
Through animal beings
A land taught me
A river where a vein is draining
Meeting its heart
A sound beating in rhythm
To the heartbeat of a greying woman
A land that blazes trails for me
A land that gives me starry nights
A land that gives me dawns
To offer first steps to my children
Its gaze pierces my life
Without a word
A land stares me down
A land evades me
For not having known
How to safeguard its purity
Our translation, poem by Joséphine Bacon
For more information : 450 258-0979 or
Please note that for CIEM's exhibitions, it is suggested to call before going on site to make sure that the exhibition is opened.