August 2 - 9, 2011



First Peoples’ Festival will present three major concerts. The first, in chronological order, will be Arauco, de sève et de sang where the Forestare ensemble will perform the Canadian premiere of the work by contemporary Chilean composer Oscar Farias titled Arauco por fuerte, principal y poderosa, a work in eight movements for guitars and double bass, inspired by an epic poem by Alonso de Ercilla (1533-1594); the work is a tribute to the Mapuche people’s resistance against the Spanish invader. Works by Atikamekw composer Pascal Koukouchi Sasseville will round out the program. August 1, at the auditorium of the Grande bibliothèque, tickets on sale from June 26.

Next, we will host major free shows at the Loto-Québec stage, which will be built at Place des Festivals in the Quartier des Spectacles. On Thursday evening, August 4, Anishnabe rapper Samian will present his show Rap Incantations at 8:30 p.m. This show kicks off the First Peoples’ Festival activities at Place des festivals, which will continue throughout the weekend. On Friday evening, August 5, Élisapee Isaac will face the four directions and present a show on the same stage, North-South. A star amidst the stars, the Inuit songstress will shine on brightly.

Benefit concert for the First Peoples’ Festival with the Forestare ensemble
Monday, August 1 - 8:00 pm
Grande Bibliothèque
Free admission
Wednesday, August 3 - 6:30 pm
Musée McCord
Free concert with Samian and his guests
Thursday, August 4 - 8:30 pm
Place des Festivals
Free Concert with Élisapie Isaac and her guests
Friday, August 5 - 8:30 pm
Place des Festivals