Photos & Videos

  • The Festival
The Montreal First Peoples’ Festival

Photos & Videos

Team photo | 33rd edition of the International First Peoples' Festival
Team photo | 32rd edition of the International First Peoples' Festival
Northern voices | Wemotaci singers
Quebecor Stage | 31st edition of the First Peoples' Festival
Buffalo Hat Singers | Montreal singers
Montreal First Peoples' Festival | 31st edition
Visual Arts - St. Catherine's walkway | Artist exhibition on Sainte-Catherine Street during the 6 days of outdoor activities
Montreal First Peoples' Festival | Place des Festivals
Montreal First Peoples' Festival | 25th Anniversary - 2015
Witi Ihimaera | Witi Ihimaera guest of honor at the 33rd International First Peoples Festival
Moe Clark |
Soleil Launière |
Joseph Sarenhes |
Supaman |
Shawnee Kish |
Laura Niquay |
Twice Colonized | A film by Lin Alluna lived by Aaju Peter
A Boy Called Piano |
Caminos |
Mama |
140 km à l'ouest du paradis |
La rebelión de las flores |
Rosie |
Nhakpoti |
Un pont au-dessus de l'océan |
Supaman |
Pawākan concert | With Moe Clark
International First Peoples' Festival |
Literary evening | With Witi Ihimaera
Opening ceremony | With Aaju Peter

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