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Place des festivals

Saturday, August 12

5 pm

Place des Festivals

1499, Rue Jeanne-Mance, Montréal, Québec.

Show of Friendship Nuestroamericana

The Fête de L’Amitié nuestroamericana (artistic animation, parade, and stage show) celebrates the brotherhood that unites the First Nations, the peoples of Our America and those of other regions and continents of the world. Promoting intercultural exchanges, the event brings together representatives of communities of diverse origins who contribute to the vitality of Montreal’s human mosaic. 

The Fête, which takes place in an atmosphere of peace and joy, is open to citizen participation.The fraternization that the event promotes is part of the tradition of friendship which, throughout history, has united the First Nations with the peoples of Our America (North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean), particularly in this territory where we share common values. 

The Fête is unifying, participants and the public being invited to share and reaffirm the ideals of the First Nations, peoples who came from Europe and immigrant communities. Foremost among these concerns are the preservation of cultural values and the protection of Mother Earth (Pachamama), for the benefit of present and future generations. 

The event, which is inspired by the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the United Nations with the support of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, highlights the importance of the cultures of origin and those of peoples of European extraction, while recognizing the rich contributions of the communities that Montreal welcomes and which contribute to the identity of the metropolis, based on diversity and openness to the world. 

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