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- Revisioning the Americas through Indigenous Cinema Day 2

Tuesday, August 16
UQAM, Complexe des sciences Pierre-Dansereau, room PK-1140
201, Avenue du Président-Kennedy, Montréal, Québec, H2X 3Y7.
Revisioning the Americas through Indigenous Cinema Day 2
The international conference Revisioning the Americas through Indigenous Cinema is a scholarly and cultural event that has, since its inception in 2009, examined the role of Indigenous filmmaking experiences and visions in what have been and might become the Americas in a perspective of decolonized futures. Held as part of Montreal First Peoples’ Festival international Présence autochtone, it aims to build bridges between academia and the world of Indigenous film and media.
At the 8th conference in Kahnawake and Montreal on August 15-16th 2022, we wish to reflect on connections, sustainability, and crisis. Two broad and interrelated questions will guide our conversations, namely: What does Indigenous cinema sustain? What sustains Indigenous cinema? Our guest speakers on Tuesday, August 16th, at UQAM, include:
Kim O’Bomsawin (Abenaki filmmaker), Ángeles Cruz (Mixteca filmmaker), Briar Grace-Smith (Māori filmmaker), Chris Newell (Passamaquoddy filmmaker and educator), Neegan Sioui-Trudel (Wendat filmmaker), Widia Larivière (Anishnaabe activist and filmmaker, Mikana), Paula Baeza Pailamilla (Mapuche filmmaker), Nicolas Renaud (Concordia U., Wendat filmmaker), Deborah Walker-Morrison (Māori prof, U. of Auckland), Natalia Möller Gonzáles (U. Universidad Católica de Chile), Marie-Hélène Jeannotte (U. Queen’s), Kerstin Knopf (U. Bremen), Smaro Kamboureli (U. Toronto), and Taylor Hensel (Cherokee filmmaker).
The launch of the new format of the Panorama-cinéma journal, with a special issue on Indigenous cinema, will be held at the Festival’s Award Ceremony at 5pm at the Monument-national.
The conference is organized from Queen’s University, in partnership with Terres en vues and collaboration with the Language and Cultural Center Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa. In 2022, in receives the support and collaboration of:
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Connexion)
- Queen’s University Vice-Dean’s Program Fund
- Office of Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, and Inclusion, Queen’s University
- Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen’s University
- Group of studies and research in international and intercultural communication (GERACII) at Université du Québec à Montréal
- Department of French Studies, Queen’s University
- Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Queen’s University
Free admission.
Free bus shuttle to Kahnawake and back on August 15th.
Partial simultaneous translation will be offered on August 16th. Bring your headphones and cell phone with Internet access.
The full bilingual program will soon be available on the website of Queen’s Unviersity Department of French Studies.