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Place des festivals

Wednesday, August 10

8:30 pm

Place des Festivals

1499, Rue Jeanne-Mance, Montréal, Québec.

Beatrice Deer

Acclaimed “Inu Indie” pop star Beatrice Deer is a singer-songwriter based in Montréal. Half Inuk and half Mohawk, Beatrice was born and raised in Nunavik, Québec, in the small village of Quaqtaq. She has released six studio albums, including her newest, titled “SHIFTING.” Her award-winning songs are crafted upon deeply personal lyrics and blend indie rock and modern folk with traditional Inuit stories and throat singing. 

The recipient of a 2021 Prism Prize and an Apple Music Ambassador, Beatrice Deer sings in three languages: Inuktitut, English, and French. A beloved figure in Arctic Canada, she has performed worldwide, from the Venice Biennale to Norway’s Førde Traditional and World Music Festival to the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona. Her bandmates and collaborators, all longstanding members of Montréal’s music community, have worked with diverse and dynamic musical acts such as Leif Vollebekk, Land of Talk, Stars, The Barr Brothers, The Besnard Lakes, Bell Orchestre, Little Scream, and Suuns. 

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