
Jeudi, 1 avril 2021 - 18 h 00
Online until April 3, 6pm - 80m program - FREE - En ligne jusqu'au 3 avril 18h - séance 80m - GRATUIT
V.O. no dialogues
Fiction / 9 minutes
Tony Briggs


Interprètes principaux : Muraany Andy-Harrison , Uncle Wayne Atkinson, Uncle Rod Briggs
Scénario : Tracey Rigney


Two Elders feel that their grandson is old enough to start learning vitally important lessons. They take the young boy out bush and put him to the test.
Special mention in the Main Film Emerging Filmmaker section Athlete, playwright, screenwriter and actor Tony Briggs, with his directorial debut, has accomplished a masterstroke with Elders, a tale of the initiation of a child who is brought to the heart of his ancestral territory by the elders of his Nation. He receives a special mention in the Main Film Emerging Filmmaker section.Special mention Main Film Emerging Filmmaker: Tony Briggs for Elders. Athlete, playwright, screenwriter and actor Tony Briggs, with his directorial debut, has accomplished a masterstroke with Elders, a tale of the initiation of a child who is brought to the heart of his ancestral territory by the elders of his Nation. He receives a special mention in the Main Film Emerging Filmmaker section.


Producteur(s) :

Damienne Pradier


Entreprise ou organisme :

Typecast Entertainment